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Downsizing Checklist for Seniors

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The calendar displays the scheduled house moving date, featuring a small red model house placed atop the encircled day.

As we age, our needs and preferences change. The home that once fit our lifestyle may become too big, too difficult to maintain, too expensive to live in, or you may be looking to move to a senior living community. Downsizing is a significant decision that requires careful planning, organization, and time.

A checklist can make a big move easier, so we’ve prepared one to help you downsize and prepare for the next stage in your life.

Before You Begin Downsizing

You’ve already made one of the most important steps—you’ve decided to downsize. At this point, we’ll assume you already did your research and found a senior living community or smaller house you’re thrilled to move into.

One of the most important tips we can offer is to start early. Give yourself ample time to sort through your belongings. This step is not one you’ll want to rush. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Family and friends may lend a hand, either by physically moving your belongings or providing emotional support to make the process more enjoyable.

  • Choose a moving date.
  • Set a timeline for packing.
  • Make a list of who will need your change of address.
  • Enlist help, including hiring movers or asking friends & family.
  • Consider your new floor plan and how your belongings and furniture will fit.

In the background, a couple is diligently labeling boxes in preparation for their move.

Sort Your Belongings

One of the goals of downsizing is limiting the amount of stuff that’s coming with you. Don’t try to take everyone on at once. Work through small spaces first to get a rhythm before tackling larger rooms that can be more draining. Sort your belongings into groups:

  • Things to keep
  • Things to donate
  • Things to throw away

Avoid “maybe” piles that can gum up the process. If you haven’t used that item in the last year, you probably can get rid of it. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Get rid of duplicates or triplicates
  • Scan and shred files if you don’t need the physical version
  • Label storage bins so you can tell what’s inside
  • Ask family for help deciding

Once you know what you’re keeping, place those items aside. Donate or discard everything else long before you start packing so you have a realistic idea of how much you’re traveling with. Items you’ll need to declutter include:

  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Appliances & kitchenware
  • Vehicles
  • Lawn & garden
  • Outside furniture

Storage Units

If you truly can’t get rid of specific large items that won’t fit your new space, you may consider renting a storage unit. For example, if you have a big Christmas tree that only gets used once a year but you use it every year, then a small storage unit could be helpful.

Don’t rely on these units, however, as clutter you can’t see is still clutter.

Paperwork to Save

While much of our data has gone digital, you may have physical paperwork you need to keep safe as you downsize.

Organize and set aside important documents that you may need in the future.

  • Contact information for doctors, attorneys, accountants, brokers, & insurance agents.
  • Personal assets, like titles to cars, boats, homes, or physical financial documents like savings accounts, pension/retirement plan income, stocks, bonds, & insurance forms.
  • List of personal liabilities.
  • Take pictures of your personal possessions and include approximate value in the event of an insurance claim.
  • Federal & state income tax returns dating back 5 years.
  • Social Security cards, Medicare cards, passports, and birth certificates.
  • Trusts, wills, or power of attorney letters.

Prepare for Moving Day

Organization is your best friend when preparing to move. This is one of your last chances to look over what you have and determine if it fits your new lifestyle.

Make a list or spreadsheet with an inventory of each room to help you avoid leaving anything behind—or getting surprised when something you forgot about makes its way to your new home. Now is the time to clearly label all the boxes with their intended destination. If you can, prepare signs you can put up at the new residence to help direct movers to the correct area.

Make a list of tasks you need to complete before moving day, such as:

  • Confirm the moving date with movers/family/friends.
  • Get a firm confirmation of the moving company’s planned arrival time. You need the arrival time for your old residence & the new residence.
  • Create a contact list for movers, the contact at your new residence, & anyone helping you move.
  • Cancel utilities.
  • Change your address.

Moving into a new space can take time, so you need separate boxes or bags containing essentials you’ll require as soon as you arrive at your new home. These may include:

  • Bedding
  • Sleepwear
  • Toiletries
  • Medication
  • First aid kit
  • Towels
  • Plates with utensils
  • A change of clothes
  • Flashlight (fully charged or with batteries)

Meet Your New Community

After the move, take a breath and settle into your new place. Take time to get accustomed to the new layout and environment, and reorganize your belongings as needed. And, of course, remember to celebrate! You’ve worked hard and deserve to enjoy your new, clutter-free space.

Whatever reason you decided to downsize, The Carlisle Assisted Living and Memory Care is thrilled to welcome you to your new home! Downsizing doesn’t mean losing community; there are always ways to stay connected with those around you. Meet your neighbors, join events and activities, or breathe in the clear air that comes with uncluttered living.If you’re looking for a vibrant home to downsize into, book a tour of our community today.

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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